Privacy declaration

At some places on this website, including when placing an order or using the contact form, data, such as a telephone number, e-mail or postal address, may be requested that can be traced back to individual persons. We will process and manage the personal data you leave behind during a visit to our website in such a way that your privacy is protected and guaranteed. Your data will not be provided to third parties, unless required by law. You have the right to inspect, correct or delete your data. Use our contact page for this. To prevent abuse, we may ask you to identify yourself.


This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file that is stored on the hard drive of your computer by a server and is only recognized by the server that stores the cookie. A cookie does not register personal information or matters that can be traced back to you as a person. Cookies cannot damage your computer or the files on your computer.

There are different types of cookies. There are cookies that make navigating the website easier for you by remembering login names, passwords and (language) preferences. Other cookies keep track of how visitors use the website, so that we can improve the website based on this information.

If you do not want to accept cookies, you can always indicate this in the settings of your browser. Instructions on how to adjust the settings can be found in most browsers via the help function in the toolbar. If you disable cookies, certain functionalities of the website may not work or you may not be able to use certain services.

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy and cookie statement without further notice. These changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this website.

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