
On this site you can find information on my study and work. Pillars of which are: The Calming Signals of Horses and Scentwork for Horses. This includes observing the horse in detail and the offering of mental stimulation and scentwork for horses. The underlying foundation of this is many years of study and practical work with horses, building on the studies of Turid Rugaas. Use the toolbar to read more about books on this topic, lectures, workshops and the education. Under button media you can download podcasts, magazine articles and communication ladders. In the web shop you can find scent bags and books. My goal: enriching the lives of horses.

Lectures and workshops

Do you want to know more on Calming Signals of Horses and Scentwork for Horses. Rachael Draaisma travels to lecture and give workshops or combined weekends. Main goal is to show real life images and videos of various situations, interactions and communication that give insight. Very practically this enables you to see in detail the smallest nuances how horses react to stimuli and situations. It also shows how beneficial scentwork and mental stimulation is for horses and how you can implement it in your life with horses. Click for more information on the button Invite Rachaël.

Online Courses

It’s finally here! Online courses in which Calming signals and Scentwork come to life. Packed with exclusive footage that give you plenty of tools to get started at home!
A nice addition to Rachaël’s books or lectures. 100+ new videos that give you new insights into Calming Signals and Scentwork. A must-have for every horse lover! After this online course you are more astute to observe your horse’s comfort or tension level in detail. This all enables you to finetune your communication, life and work with your horse.
The e-courses goes hand in hand with the books.

Webshop & Books

In the webshop you can easily order special designed scentbags, the smeller and my books in Dutch and English. In the book Language Signs and Calming Signals of Horses is explained what calming signals are and how tension relates to those calming signals, including communication ladders. In the book Scentwork for Horses you are drawn into the world of scent and mental stimulation. You get tools to teach you rses to track and give them autonomy. It is a new discipline in the human-horse interaction. Click on the button Books to read more.

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